Giving Information

Thank you for considering a financial gift to On Mission Martial Arts!

There are a number of projects and goals we desire to accomplish in the pressing on toward our VISION for the longer term. Any special financial gifts and ongoing regular ministry partners (monthly, quarterly, annually) beyond our minimum to keep GOING, will allow On Mission Martial Arts to continue GROWING in our impact in and through the lives of our Christian Martial Arts community.


Our desire is that you would only give as the Lord leads you. Please prayerfully consider our need and the link above for the impact your partnership would have and then be obedient to Him! We trust that the Lord will provide for every need we have and it is our privilege and joy to see how and through whom He chooses to do so!


Your special gift of $50, $100, $250, $1,000, or whatever amount the Lord might lead you to, will make a big difference as we strive to keep On Mission Martial Arts GOING and GROWING!! Or, a recurring monthly gift of $15, $25, $50 or $100 will strengthen our longer term financial foundation, allowing us to see significant future growth and impact.

Give Online

All Gifts are tax deductible

Give by Check

Please make checks payable to
On Mission Martial Arts” or “OMMA
and send to:

On Mission Martial Arts
1969 South Alafaya Trail #177
Orlando, FL 32828

7 Reasons to give to OMMA

You are likely reading this because you are considering whether this ministry might be a place to make an effective investment that will make an eternal difference in the lives of people for the glory of God. We recognize that there are many places competing for each person’s giving.


Our desire is to clearly state the ministry elements and impact that OMMA has currently as well as future vision for the ministry and ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us. We trust the Lord to provide our needs according to His riches in glory. Thanks for your consideration!


1) Ultimately, people give to OMMA because they want to partner with us in fulfilling our MISSION:


“To create, grow and multiply local Christian martial arts communities that purpose to develop men, women and children to become well-rounded servant warriors through integrated training programs consisting of various physical and spiritual disciplines as well as an emphasis on intentionally, boldly and resolutely serving others through words and deeds in our neighborhoods, cities and country and, in turn, the world, for the glory of God.”


2) People give to OMMA because we are not a Traditional Martial Arts organization with a “Veneer” of Christianity painted around it, but rather an organization that uses the Martial Arts as a Tool or Vehicle to bring glory and honor to God. You can see this by reading how we define our Spiritual Objectives in our training.


3) People give to OMMA because they see that our Methods create a unique and strategic way to address evangelism and discipleship. So the question is: “How do we seek to accomplish our spiritual objectives.” Four main ways-


On Mission Spiritual Fitness (OMSF) Curriculum


  • Service/Mission Projects
  • Bible Memorization, Journaling
  • Biblical Meditation
  • Directed Bible Study: The Battle, Disciplines


On Mission Martial Arts Instructor Academy


  • Biblical Leadership


The Arena of Prayer: Prayer Warrior Team, Prayer in classes/events


“Organic” ministry: Interactions in and around the community between mature believers, young believers and non-believers.


4) People give to OMMA because they see the Missions and Evangelism IMPACT we have and will increasingly have, Lord willing, as we continue to grow and increase in excellence and effectiveness. Here is the influence of OMMA in the world of Missions and Evangelism:


Develop increasingly “On Mission” Christians


  • Requirements for Rank Advancement (OMSF)
  • Emphasis on ENGAGING in the battle to commend Christ to the nations. (“Perspectives on World Mission”)
  • Provide opportunities, encouragement, incentive and accountability. (Group Outreach Projects)
  • OMMA is a ministry of Mobilization.


Internal & External Gospel Proclamation


  • Internal: To students, family who are not believers.
  • External: Demos, to MA world, to community.


Partners in Mission: Samaritan’s Purse, Voice of the Martyrs, Local Homeless Ministry (Jesus Film, Wycliffe, Local Food Pantries, selected villages overseas adopted.)


5) People give to OMMA because they see the Unique platform martial arts can offer. Here are a few ways MA can be a unique method for spiritual training and influence:


  • Development of WARRIOR SPIRIT
  • Integrity of being: BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT
  • A Way of Life – concept of consistent, progressive disciplines.
  • Systematic and Intentional Structure
  • Character Training that goes hand-in-hand with MA training.
  • Servant Leadership (Learn – Do – Teach model)
  • A Natural Community “Training ground” for practicing disciplines and Christian character and leadership.
  • Beyond sport to Equipping for the Very Real Battle


6) People give to OMMA because we are a federally recognized 501c3, not-for-profit organization. We have also been given the VERIFIED stamp of approval from the Central Florida Community Foundation. You can visit the CFCF OMMA Profile to learn more about our ministry and see that we are transparent and have taken the steps to become a verified organization. Donors to OMMA can rest assured that we will be the best stewards of their funds and that our use of funds is publicly viewable.


7) People give to OMMA because we have a HUGE VISION from the Lord and we cannot accomplish it alone. OMMA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization funded by earned revenues and donations. We rely on both to continue operations. Donations to OMMA go to one of four different areas:


  • OMMA Mission Fund – to subsidize the cost of Group Outreach Projects, evangelistic events, mission trips etc.
  • OMMA Scholarship Fund – to assist the less fortunate to participate in the OMMA program with donor reporting requirements.
  • OMMA Expansion – (see Vision) approximately $10,000 to “plant” a new OMMA location and establish as a viable entity.
  • OMMA Staff – to assist specific staff with personal funding needs including the balance of the salaries of our OMMA Certified Instructors.